Curricula Reform in Space Technology







Conference to the day of Cosmonautics


Department of Aviation and Space Systems NTU "KPI" always thoroughly prepared for the Day of Cosmonautics. One of the major events these days is holding NTU "KPI" International Scientific and Technical Conference "Gyro technologies, navigation, motion control and design of aerospace vehicles", organize faculty which involved aircraft and space systems.




Information Days of the Tempus programme in Ukraine 2012





The Tempus program and the learning process


In 2009-2912 Faculty involved in the implementation of the project "Reform of the educational programs in the field of space technologies in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine" (CRIST) under the Tempus




Internship Program TEMPUS in Berlin


German Space Agency, glance at Europe from the height of 800 km, rabbits in the city park, two weeks of lectures and more - it's all about the internship program of delegation from NTUU "KPI" TEMPUS CRIST in Berlin.





Meeting at the University DeNayer (Belgium)

From August 21st to September 4th, as part of TEMPUS programm, the University DeNayer held summer course for representatives of eight higher education institutions from Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan. A group of workers and students from NTUU "KPI" specialized department of devices and aircraft control systems, Department of Aircraft and Space Systems participated in this course.






Steps of "TEMPUS" programm


Second year in our university continues with the implementation of the project CRIST(Curricula Reform In Space Technologies) in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine. Year has started with the hard work which became objective extension of the past events. more





Visiting NTTU KPI. Project Coordination Meeting


According to the working plan of the "CRIST" project, the representatives of European Universities Consortium: professor - Engineer Peter Arras, professor - engineer Dirk van Merode (De Nayer Institute Lessius University), Dr. engineer Arnold Shterenharts (ECM office) visited Ukraine between the 11th -18th of March 2010.






New possibilities of the "TEMPUS" program in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


The European Union Tempus project aims to upgrade the system of higher education and create integrated educational field of EU countries. It also involves country - partners. more