Curricula Reform in Space Technology


New possibilities of the "TEMPUS" program

in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


The European Union Tempus project aims to upgrade the system of higher education and create integrated educational field of EU countries. It also involves country - partners.

Since 2009, after painstaking preparatory work started the program project "Curricula Reform in Space Technology in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine»-CRIST.

This project involved Ukrainian Universities: Dnepropetrovsk National University named after O.Honchar, NTUU "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", as well as universities of Kazakhstan - Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Karaganda State Technical University, Russia - The Baltic State Technical University "Voyenmeh" named after D.F. Ustinov, Aerospace Samara State University. named after academic Sergei Korolev, Siberian State Aerospace University named after. acad. M.F. Reshetnova, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Grantee of project is the Berlin Technical University and coordinator is Arnold Shterenharts, German consulting company ECM-Office.

The project was supported by the leading educational, scientific and space-research organizations of countries - participants. The interest and support in our state expressed the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine. Important role in drafting the state company owned by the famous "Design Office" South " named after M.K.Yangel, which is why its walls recently held the launching conference of the project. The main goal is a joint CRIST development and implementation of a modernized curriculum of higher education in space technology through international cooperation of the countries - participants of the project. The main objectives of the project is a joint development and implementation in accordance with the Lisbon Strategy and Bologna a new educational program on "Design and use of small spacecraft - Micro - Nanosatellite" for students and training for the aerospace industry.

For this objective the project will create and implement the educational process in the network of ground stations control of small satellites as a common learning tool, microsatellites laboratories, computer rooms design and construction works (SAD / CAM / CAE), information technology in the field of modeling and analyzing business projects.

To expand international cooperation organizations plan to implement into the educational process new educational program on "Management and International Marketing aerospace industry."

A system of coordination and communication will be developping together with the university job market. Planned measures to increase the mobility of teachers, development cooperation through information exchange and dissemination of best practice. The project will be implemented in 3 years. During this period in parallel with the development of new courses and their adaptation the target groups of students, faculty internships, training and experience sharing in universities - project partners will be carried out .

Grantee of Project - Technical University of Berlin has extensive experience in developing and implementing the technologies of small spacecraft, including the learning process. The university has a membership of seven departments, including aviation and space, in which 28 thousand students are studying. With the help of students and university employees created and operated several microsatellites. After the successful launch of the first satellites University receives international commercial order, under which both countries conducted training - customers.

The experience of Berlin Technical University shows that the projects on creation of small satellites can be resolved very effectively in technical universities. A similar program to create a university small satellite initiated by the Academic Council of the University and is the basis on which the project will be carried out as TEMPUS.

In the future of the organization - consortium participants are intended to establish an international university satellite.

A.V. Zbrutsky,

Dean of the Department of Aircraft and Space Systems,
