Curricula Reform in Space Technology


Main goal


Based on the international cooperation jointly create and implement new modernized curriculum of higher education in the field of space technology.

Special (specific) objectives

Jointly develop and implement in accordance with the Lisbon strategy and the Bologna Process new curriculum bachelor / specialist in "Design and use of small spacecraft.

Two training plan:

1.1 Micro-and nano-satellite.

1.2 Radio communication for space purposes.

Training modules (for student learning and professional development of aerospace industry workers):

2.1 Control of microsatellites with the help of a coordinated network ground stations.

2.2 CAD / CAM / CAE design microsatellites.

2.3 Create and implement into learning process:

2.3.1 Network training ground station control of small satellites as a new tool for collaborative learning.

2.3.2 Teaching laboratories and computer classes microsatellite design and engineering work (CAD / CAM / CAE).

Jointly develop and implement a new curriculum Bachelor / Specialist Management aerospace industry. " Curriculum: "Management of the aerospace industry."

Training modules (for student learning and professional development of aerospace industry workers):

3.1 International business and management.

3.2 International Marketing. Globalization. Management of logistics.

Create and implement a learning process:

4.1 New computer classes of information technologies in the field of modeling and analyzing business processes.

4.2 Establish and implement a network of regional coordination and engineering offices as a new structure for coordination and communication of universities to the work market and a tool to improve the education system.

4.3 Introduce the European system of credits (ECTS) in modernized (new) training courses and modules.

4.4 Mobility of teachers and students, training teachers, development of cooperation based on the organization of information exchange and bilateral mobility to spread best practices.

4.5 Mobility of administrative staff to study and spread best practices